Sharon Carlaine is a well-known pet lover & animal activist in the San Juan area. Residents of Old San Juan have seen her on the streets for almost 10 years walking dogs, helping strays, feeding outside cats, and trapping for Save A Gato. 

An 11-year vegan, Sharon aspires to better the lives of all living beings through education & public events, focusing on local environmental issues, animal welfare, nutrition, and overall kindness.  Some of the accomplishments Sharon is publically recognized for are her community center lectures, vegan events, the starting of the community-run recycling program of OSJ, creating the first all-public organic garden of PR, and her work in the schools of San Juan.

Now Sharon has taken on another goal, to help Sanjuaneros provide the best possible care of their loved ones as well! This exciting new venture is her passion, and yet another expression of the love and dedication she has for the animals of San Juan.